IT Infrastructure Monitoring & Management - BilgeAdam Technologies
Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

Organisations today are increasingly investing in solutions that predict and prevent blackouts, breakdowns or malfunctions. Hence, there arises a need for predictive and pre-emptive measures that help organisations focus more on running their business than running the systems and applications. BilgeAdam provides comprehensive and efficient IT infrastructure monitoring and management services without disrupting business workflow. Our expert consultants come with vast experience and subject matter expertise in technologies. As a result, BilgeAdam's solutions provide firms with maximum network up-time, minimal disruptions and peak performance in all their IT infrastructures, applications and systems.
Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

Software Health Check

On average, 7 out of 10 IT projects do not achieve their goals. As a result, companies are undertaking huge internal costs and exhaustive efforts to create a focused approach toward the maintenance and operations of enterprise applications. However, there is an apparent need for budget optimisation and a result-driven outlook.

BilgeAdam’s software health check is a short-term but exhaustive service that enables customers to maximise throughput in their current applications. A typical software health check entails checking application effectiveness for the following KPIs:

User experience






Data and analytics


When we conduct the health check, your applications are monitored and assessed in alignment with your business IT strategy. After a thorough analysis, recommendations are made in areas such as code structure, documentation, analysis and test processes, application lifecycle management, etc.

Software Health Check

Advantages of Software Health Check

We have several health check services, including the automatic reporting feature that helps us create solutions for various issues. These include fixing defects in documents, enabling faster transfer of information, making applications easier to use, and more.

You need to review your source codes to achieve favourable results, whether you have just opted for a routine maintenance procedure, application updates or repeated coding. With this approach in mind, BilgeAdam’s health check helps you:

Reduce the expenses in different projects

Mitigate the risk of failure in crucial IT maintenance projects

Improve the effectiveness of fundamental application analysis by 60%

Identify and reduce any deficiencies in the applications

Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

System Health Check

Another proactive service of BilgeAdam is system health check, which allows organisations to scan their technologies and monitor their processes. In addition, our expert consultants provide various perspectives with detailed analyses regarding your company’s IT landscape.

First, the current status of infrastructure or components is analysed thoroughly, and then diagrams are created. Additionally, failures, errors and issues detected in the system are compiled in a report. The report also contains information about the impact of these issues, how severe they are, and appropriate solutions. This data collation helps IT managers predict the organisation’s future requirements and plan the company’s investments.

The main objectives of the BilgeAdam system health check are as follows:

To understand the present status of a technical component in the infrastructure or the whole system

To execute post-project system status check

To study the current status before undertaking new projects

To obtain precise performance, configuration, security, business continuity and capacity details

The health check provides the flexibility to cover one or more products, technologies and processes, or the entire IT operations.

System Health Check

Merits of System Health Check

Optimise technology costs and decrease the total cost of ownership

Ensure a holistic overview of the current status of the IT infrastructure and its optimum level in the future

Understand whether technical components are in sync with business objectives

Justify hardware and license investments

Plan the ideal IT capacity for business goals

graphic-dots-mint-greenSystem Health Check

Extent of System Health Check

System and Inventory Analysis

While conducting the analysis obtained at the beginning of the health check service, the organisations’ IT inventory utilising this service is documented. This helps create awareness of the company’s existing infrastructure and facilitates all future business or technical decisions. Additionally, the efficiency of current investments is reviewed, and redundant investments are proactively discarded.

Risk Identification

The risks related to the technical infrastructure and non-technical components are identified after the primary analysis. These risks are prioritised based on priority and impact. A clarification against each risk is then provided as to what steps need to be undertaken if it occurs, the possible impact and things to be avoided if the risk materialises.

Infrastructure Maturity Analysis

To determine the maturity of a company’s IT infrastructure, one needs to inspect the processes. Whereas to analyse the maturity of the integration and operation of the processes, one needs to look at its technical components closely. Once the analysis is complete, a maturity level is determined based on the four bifurcations, i.e. “Simple – Standard – Smart – Dynamic”, along with an expected progression timeline.

Recommendations for Improvement and Development

At the end of the health check service, a roadmap is created based on the inventory obtained as a result of the analysis, the business and technical risks of the organisation, and the current and optimum infrastructure maturity level. Services such as consultancy, support and training required to have a more robust and efficient IT infrastructure are clearly defined and reported.
Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

Maintenance & Support

This solution can be employed should a company require support concerning the technologies that are part of its IT operations or even in case of failures present in any infrastructure.

The scope of the service includes:

On-site and remote action in case a failure is triggered

Execution of SLA-based service

Know-how exchange via information tickets provided for the organization’s IT personnel

Periodical reporting and management of infrastructure change requests based on solution type

This solution is ideal for organizations looking to enhance their existing IT operations and require support to implement the changes.

Scope of Service

Call-based troubleshooting

On-site or remote support

On-site planned maintenance services

ITIL-based call management systems

Failure support on various plans such as 24/7, 8/5

Information tickets

Periodical reporting and service management meetings

Planning and project support for version upgrade and migration scenarios

Training and workshops

graphic-dots-mint-greenMaintenance & Support

Service Process


As a part of BilgeAdam’s system check-up service, our experts check the IT infrastructure and collect data through various sources such as existing hardware and software inventories, licenses, IT team structure, business continuity requirements, etc. The IT processes are then inspected in collaboration with the organization’s IT teams.

Reporting and Presentation

The data collected during the analysis are studied in detail. In order to properly and effectively eliminate the deficiencies in the IT infrastructure, the required software, hardware, training, consultancy and supportive services are determined. These requirements are reported and presented in detail.


After mutual agreement on the scope specified, how the service will be executed is explained to the organization. BilgeAdam teams initiate the process to conduct the service based on the agreed terms. Necessary adjustments and improvements are made on the organization’s IT infrastructure to conduct the service in line with the scope and to preserve the quality.

Execution and Reporting

Based on the SLAs agreed upon, the service is then executed through using the requisite technologies. Our experts will periodically visit the company premises during service delivery to resolve open issues, suggest improvements, and undertake changes wherever required. BilgeAdam guarantees service quality by frequently revisiting the processes and making corrections and improvements to ensure that everything is streamlined.
Infrastructure Monitoring & Management

IT Infrastructure Solutions

To maximise quality and achieve service success, BilgeAdam consultants deliver the IT infrastructure solutions in line with the following steps:

Scope and Vision

  • Holding a project launch meeting
  • Defining the scope and the vision of the project
  • Forming project team
  • Initiation of the solution process to enable all teams to focus on the same target
  • Documentation of the scope and the vision, along with the risks and the project plan


  • Planning of all components of the solution
  • Clarification of hardware and software standards along with configuration information
  • Documentation of the plan for the solution in line with the requirements obtained in the analysis


  • Commencement of development of the solution as described during the planning phase
  • Performance of the solution in line with the standards and the requirements
  • Carrying out of a pilot roll-out as mandated


  • Resolving any issues that occur during pilot roll-out in the development phase and stabilizing the solution


  • The solution is deployed, and operations are carried out on the computer network infrastructure

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