Mercedes-Benz – ServiceNow Solutions - BilgeAdam Technologies
Case Studies

Mercedes-Benz – ServiceNow Solutions


  • Designed a project for billing, charging, resource management, and project management processes for Daimler SDC (solution delivery centre) Global.
  • Performed an IT/finance assessment and business process analysis to improve the efficiency of the company’s charging.
  • Managed GDPR compliance within the data domain.
  • Transformed all business processes for all SDC branches.
  • Implemented ServiceNow for non-IT processes (charging, worklog, business plan, financial management, ROI/VOI analysis).
  • Integrated with Daimler locale mobile app.
  • Assisted Daimler SDC Turkey in assuming primary responsibility for the global digital transformation programme.
  • Helped the organisation become a data-driven consulting company by managing a roadmap and guiding teams to comply with the company’s global standards.
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